This classy looking clear lucite cane has a derby handle for superb comfort! Consumer input has made it very clear that the desire or need to use a cane or walking stick should address the users sense of fashion as well as physical requirements.
The cane is the most widely used mobility device. Canes provide support and balance to many people with walking disabilities. They help prevent falls from occurring because they can support up to 25% of an individual's body weight.
The cane comes in a high quality lucite for years of use. This cane is among a family of canes that are made by skilled craftsmen throughout the world. Many are from small family operated businesses that have a tradition of style and quality dating back to the mid 1800's.
The cane is 7/8 inch in diameter with a large, gray rubber tip.
The cane is 37 inches tall with the expectation that it will be cut to size. The cane can be shortened with a hacksaw.
Sizing Directions:

- Remove the rubber tip from the cane. If it is tight...a squirt of WD-40 works wonders. Twist the tip off rather than pulling.
- It takes two people to "fit" a can. The cane user should be wearing their usual walking shoes and standing as naturally upright as possible. Their arms should hang at their side with a normal bend at the elbow.
- Please note: It is recommended that the cane be used on the opposite of the weak or injured side. A right handed individual will not necessarily use a right handed cane and vice versa.
- The second person places the cane with the handle on the ground on the side the person will be using the cane. The shaft is marked where it touches the middle crease of the user's wrist. The cane should then be cut using a sharp saw and mitre box for an even cut. Reattach the rubber tip.