What ElderStore's Affiliate Program can do for your!
By providing your residents and their families with a direct link to ElderStore.com, you can either earn a 10% commission payable in cash or in store credit.
What to do: Sign up with for free on ElderStore.com. Then select one of our links that compliment your site.
What is in it for you: Place our link on your site today, when one of your visitors clicks on our link, they are brought to ElderStore.com website. When they make a purchase, you earn 10% of that sale!
What’s in it for your customers: People are searching for these practical items, but have difficulty finding them on the Internet. By placing our link on your site, you’re providing your residents and their families with an easy avenue of obtaining the products they need. Whether its family members looking for gifts for their aging parents, seniors looking for arthritis aids, or someone experiencing a temporary or permanent disability, we can help them find the products they need to make their life a little easier.
Help us by displaying a link to our site, and we’ll help you earn cash.
Even if your customer decides to make a purchase at a later date from their initial visit, you still get the credit………up to 30 days later.